A fake designer bag can't injure y'all simply what nearly imitation makeup, cosmetics and electronics?

The counterfeit market is a vast and lucrative business organization – so much so that most of us aren't fully aware of its gigantic scope. Exploding electronics, faux aeroplane parts, feces in makeup and false Apple tree stores are just a small part of its ever-growing offering.

Passion for fashion

At that place is nothing sweeter than finding an amazing dupe for the luxury detail you lot desperately want but can't really afford. High-end makeup, jewelry, numberless, wallets and shoes are attracting just pricey. Fast fashion chains like Zara or H&M have been taking annotation of this for years. Actually they've been doing a lot more than taking notes – they've been taking pattern and production ideas likewise. They're not making apocryphal products, at to the lowest degree not in legal terms. Morally? That's up for contend. Most of the states feel actually bad for the immature creative designer whose work got stolen. But most of u.s. are likewise just people. People who detect information technology difficult to resist these gorgeous products at such low prices.

Dupes vs Counterfeits

The makeup community is obsessed with dupes. Makeup lovers around the world know their dupes improve than they know the back of their hands. There are thousands and thousands of YouTube videos on finding the right drugstore versions of the loftier-end products. And I've watched all of them (10/10, would recommend).

Nonetheless there is a glaring deviation between dupes and counterfeits. A pore-minimizing primer from Maybelline (a dupe for the Do good Cosmetics one) won't injure you unless someone hits y'all over the head with it. The apocryphal Kylie lip kits? That'due south a different story. Counterfeits are illegal which means they don't go through whatsoever testing and they don't follow any regulations. No one knows what's really within these products – unsafe chemicals, feces, the tears of human children making these bolt?

Heir-apparent Beware

Counterfeits are the fastest growing market in the world, expected to abound to 2.8 trillion dollars by 2022. This market stretches far beyond fashion and beauty products – toys, electric goods, food, even airplane parts and pharmaceutical drugs. It has gotten to a point where millions of people are buying counterfeits online completely unknowingly.

Recollect, non all counterfeits are as dangerous. A false Armani T-shirt might requite you a rash but a fake charger might burn your house down. Now think nigh the airplane parts and pharmaceuticals. Feeling scared yet?

Just be careful while shopping online. Double cheque the products that look suspicious. Use websites like fakespot for some reassurance.

You call back you know your stuff?

After all, mayhap you're non fooled so easily. Put your shopping skills to the test and try to recognize if these products are existent or fake!

Apple tree shop

Don't worry if this one fooled you, it even fooled its employees. Back in 2011 Red china's government had to shut down 22 imitation Apple stores in the metropolis of Kunming, Yunnan province. The stores were truly convincing, replicating not just the logo, but the displays, the wooden tables and the employee dress code.

Morphe x Jeffree Star Eyeshadow Palette

How do you know that the makeup is fake? Misspelled packaging, dull colors, strange odors and, most importantly, the price. If the original retails for $35, the one you saw listed on eBay for $5 probably isn't the real deal. Kylie Jenner isn't the only influencer under attack from the copycats. Jeffree Star Cosmetics and Rihanna's Fenty Beauty are among the well-nigh pop makeup knock offs likewise. I know you desire to await like Rihanna (who doesn't) but is information technology worth smearing feces all over your face?


These may exist real just in that location are imitation eggs out at that place. Yep, you read it correctly. People are making fake eggs and not the vegan kind. Counterfeit food is a existent event in Mainland china: pork glowing in the dark, walnuts fabricated from cement, false beef made from rat meat etc.

Harry Potter books

Even popular book serial can't catch a break from the copycats. They used the anticipation for new Harry Potter books to greenbacks in on the phenomena. Releasing imitation books similar "Harry Potter and the Leopard Walk up to Dragon" meant a lot of coin without too much work. All they did was take Tolkien'due south 'The Hobbit' and change the graphic symbol names.

LUNA mini three facial cleansing device

These days skincare is all the rage so no wonder the most popular devices are getting their counterfeit doppelgangers. In 2018 alone FOREO seized over thirty,000 false LUNAs. To protect its customers, every FOREO product has its very own unique series number that can be confirmed by registering information technology on the FOREO website or the FOREO app.

Louis Vuitton haversack

Loftier-end mode brands take always been one of the well-known targets of the counterfeit marketplace. Today Louis Vuitton battles confronting small vendors on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

Real or False?

You're actually not good at this. Who knows have many times y'all've been fooled before. You should start thinking almost throwing well-nigh of your stuff away. Good luck!

Not bad! No dubiousness about it - you fiddle in an occasional gull here and in that location

You know your way around counterfeits! Really yous might know your way around counterfeits a bit too well - are you lot a seller on eBay? Request for a friend.