
How To Draw Water With Charcoal

How to Draw Water - Calm Waves

How to Draw Water with Calm Waves

Learning how to draw water is important for any artist.  To be honest with you, drawing water is like drawing anything else.  All you need to do is look at the water and draw it.  Simple-right?  Well, drawing water can be hard because water looks different in different situations.  Here are things that will help you when you draw water.

The first thing that you will need to consider is the fact that water is usually represented by a reflection.  Water reflects what is around it.  If the sky is blue, then the water will usually be blue.  If the sky is pink, then the water may be pink.  Keep this in mind when you draw water.

Water also moves.  When water is choppy, it will look different than it does when it is calm.  Waves add even more complexity to a drawing of water.  The key to drawing water that is "wavey", is in the contrast.  Contrast deals with difference and in this case, contrast refers to value.  When light hits waves it is reflected.  This creates a highlight.  It also creates a shadow, and by placing the highlights and shadows in the correct spots, you can create the illusion of water.

Water is also linear. When drawing waves, it is important to take notice of the lines.  Most of the times the lines will be horizontal.  The waves that you draw should reflect this linear concept.

The following video demonstrates how to draw water with calm waves...


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How To Draw Water With Charcoal


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